How do I know which type of traffic ticket I have?
In California, there are several traffic violations for which you can receive traffic tickets. The following is the three general types of citations:
After you pay the fine, points may show up on your DMV record unless you can go to traffic school. If the court allows you to attend a traffic school and receives your completion of the class before the deadline, the points should not show up on your record.
Parking Ticket: If you received a parking ticket, this is not filed with the court. Any fines you may have that relate to damaged vehicle equipment may be listed on this ticket. You must pay this ticket or the fines will increase and you may not be able to renew your vehicle registration. Contact the parking ticket agency on the ticket for information about what to do.
Infraction Traffic Ticket: This ticket may have been issued to you for breaking speed laws, traffic laws, running red lights, etc. If a police officer pulls you over for breaking California Traffic Law they can charge you with an infraction. You may also be asked to sign the ticket, which is also called the “Notice to Appear”. In addition, if you do not have proof of car insurance, you can be charged with an infraction for operating a motor vehicle without proof of insurance.
Misdemeanor Traffic Ticket: If you are charged with a misdemeanor traffic ticket this is a more serious offense. You can be charged with a misdemeanor for driving without a license, or on a suspended license. If these charges do not involve alcohol or drugs, you may be asked to sign the ticket or the “Notice to Appear”.